Sunday, January 30, 2011


Welcome, welcome.  I’ve recently purchased my first home with my two best pals: Dickie-the-Fiancé and Stylo-the-Cat, and suddenly I’ve become a comfortable, satisfied person…a grown-up, perhaps? Perhaps. No longer am I planning my next big move or ignoring problems because I know I’ll be moving away from them soon. I’m thinking in terms of years instead of months, I’m only buying things I know I can use for a decade. I think maybe I am even becoming a rational individual, maybe. I’m feeling at ease, settled; a feeling I’ve never felt before, not even as a kid. Anyway, I’ve decided to complement my newly found peaceful life with a little blog to better manage and rationalize my thoughts, ideas and future decisions.

I am sure this blog will be just as rambling and nonsensical as most of the blogs milling around out there, except mine won’t have cute photos of my babies, witty statements, loaded political opinions or vegan recipes. However, it will have some local flavor of my new city, Albuquerque, some wedding talk, as I’m getting married in six months, and probably a few projects I’m planning for my new home. But mostly, I need a forum to keep my mind bright and clever. It’s been nearly three years since I’ve sat in a classroom and been asked to read a book and write about it, and already some of that knowledge is fading. This blog will be a way for me to push myself to think, ponder and write about the things that really matter to me: women’s issues, women’s health, midwifery, history, spirituality, parenting theories, food, societal problems, cultural differences, sustainability, urban homesteading, the invasion of the pine beetle…important stuff.

This blog will hopefully be a way for me to externally deal with my internal conflicts: should I go to law school or start a family? Maybe both? Maybe neither? Should I study midwifery or continue working in a law office? Should I donate all my hair or continue growing it long? And of course, it will likely be an outlet for my venting and grumbling and gushing and the emotional turmoil we all find ourselves in from time to time.

At any rate, welcome to “la femme logique.” Who doesn’t need a little feminine logic in their lives? Even if my only follower is my mom (hi mama!), I believe this will be a satisfying little endeavor for me.


  1. Oh, kitten, I AM your most avid and relentless follower in all things. You know I would have you keep your long locks until they coil white at your feet long after I am dust! Other than that (and that being delegated to a sentimental sigh if you choose to lop them off...) I excitedly await the next chapter in this tale from the perspective of a phenomenally intelligent, beautiful, spirited, and brave little heroine!

  2. "cute photos of my babies, witty statements, loaded political opinions or vegan recipes" is a near-exact description of what my blog would be like if i had one. altho it'd be gluten-free recipes with lots and lots of meat.
